Avatar is a movie which makes you feel like you are in an imaginary world throughout the whole movie. the girl in the 2nd picture is the most prettiest out of all the avatars! Does sciencetist in the world can make human become a short term avatar? hahaha i am so imaginary! because it will not happen as its just a movie made by a human!~ But i can say the movie is No.1~ and i like the girl alot because she is so coooooooool!:D
Has anyone watch Hot Summer Days yet? if u have not, go watch it soon! i find it nice so i would like to share with cyber world! its a hongkong film and is funny and sad, so its a good show. Went Orchard with my friend last week and we have lots of fun! hahaha we took pictures everywhere we go!!! here are some pictures to share with cyber world and again more pictures will be at my FACEBOOK!(: Enjoy your holidays people!:D will be back to post soon!~
Should i buy this phone? my friend has it too~ both is good but sharp 9110c the bottom one is better and unique! it cost about $500+ but only retailing in china not local. so i must ask my aunt to get for me and its so troublesome!): why singapore is not selling sharp phones but other products from sharp? lol. i have been looking on electronics stuffs all this while...... and i have stopped shopping for quite a long time as i have retail therapy! and this will save me a lot of money to buy other stuffs like camera or phone!(: actually i have a phone already but i still love the pink colour phone a lot!!! still considering whether to buy or not? i think i should buy the camera instead of this as i already have a phone! i just post the pictures up to share on cyber world!^^ If u have a chance to buy it, buy the pink colour one as it look so BARBIE TO THE MAXIMUM!!! :D
Canon 450D can produce pictures with different types of effect! should i buy it? it cost about $1200++! those pictures above are taken by Canon 450D! I love the effects at the background of every pictures!(: still considering?